Thursday, February 11, 2010

How We Met

Well, as promised, I told you guys I'd go through and let you know how it all happened that me and CW got together! So, I'd like to tell you how we first met. Now, seeing as we went to the same school (and the schools not that big!) we'd seen each other around campus, but never really made an impression on the other person. So, cue November 5th, 2009:


I had had a really rough day that day. There was a lot of stress going on in my life and I was super busy. Things were happening with friends, school was overloading me, and I was just tired. I had been invited to the temple by a couple of people earlier that day, but I had said "no" so I could stay home and work on more homework. I almost immediately regretted it.

The day passed on, and I decided I needed to get my mind off of things, so I went running.

As I was running, I felt a prompting that I should go to the school's cafe. I brushed it off thinking, "I'm not hungry" or "I don't really want to be around people". As I got closer to the school, the feeling came on stronger and stronger.

Finally, I had a choice to make: Go into the school? Or pass on by?

I decided to go inside to the cafe. I thought maybe it'd make me feel better if I ate something. I knew there was some reason I had to go!

I went inside and sat down among a group of friends. I sat there for quite some time. People had come and gone, but I just sat still, tired and unwilling to move. I was making small conversation when one of the people at our table stood up and asked everyone sitting, "Hey, I was going to the temple tonight and I was wondering if any who had a limited temple recommend wanted to come with me?" I immediately answered, "I would like to go!"

This was it! This was the answer to my prayers. I knew that this was why I needed to go to the cafe that night, so I could have the opportunity to go to the temple and to find peace that way. It was perfect.

A group of us got together and decided we'd go to Walmart together before the temple. When we got there, I started talking to this boy who had invited me. He was extremely tall and had jet black hair. He was very handsome and kind of flirty with me. I had recognized him from around school, and he seemed like a good kid. I felt really undressed walking next to him in my bright red basketball short and my blue t-shirt while he was wearing his nice white shirt and tie.

The more we spent time together, the more fun we started to have. By the time we got back, we only had about 15minutes to get to the temple and had lost the majority of our group. Luckily, I lived next door, so me and another girl ran up and changed as quickly as we could! It was just this boy, my friend Rachel, and I.

When we got to the temple, we met up with a couple of other girls there and all spent our time together. After it was over two of the girls had left and me, Rachel, and "CW" all walked to the school, where Rachel's car was. We dropped Rachel off, and CW walked me back to the Plaza where I was staying. We exchanged numbers and went on our way. (I was soo excited when we texted me first thing the next morning!)

So, that's how our first day went together! It was so much fun! But, it seems so much better when you know CW's side of the story:


He was walking home from physical therapy that afternoon on November 5th, 2009. (He had gotten into a car accident about a month before) He had planned to go to the temple afterwards, so he called everyone who had said would go with him. Every single person bailed. He was pretty upset that 7 people who had committed to going all told him they weren't going to go anymore.

He was walking on the "North Side of the Temple" coming up to West Temple street when this girl jogged past him. As she was approaching, he thought to himself that this girl was really cute. When she passed by, he turned around to get a second glance. "Yep, still cute" he thought. But, he told himself that she probably wasn't mormon and he would proably never see her again, so he just threw the thought out of his mind.

He went back to his flat and got changed into some nicer clothes. As he was changing, he decided that he wanted to go to the cafe to grab a bite to eat. He figured that he could ask and see if anyone there wanted to go to the temple with him.

He headed over there and got his food. As he was looking around for a place to sit, he spotted a table with some of his friends. At this table, that girl who had been jogging was sitting there! He was so excited when he saw her. He sat down at the other end of the table and ate for a while. He decided to ask if anyone wanted to go to the temple with him. This girl, wearing the bright red basketball shorts, and the faded blue T-shirt, looked up and said that she would go.

"Score!" he thought. He was so excited that she was going to be coming with him!

(That's usually when he stops his version of the story, although he often adds, "So, that night, we went to the temple together. And I've been going to the temple with that girl ever since!")


So, there's our story!! That's how we met and what exactly happened. It's all pretty crazy when you think about it! I'm so grateful that I was able to meet him. He's been a huge blessing to me in my life!


  1. I LOVEEEE these stories! Haha I remember you told me the story of how you met him like a day or two after it happened, and I totally was thinking (and think I actually mentioned it to Rachel), "Hey, that sounds like a good story of how she meets her husband!" So glad :):)

  2. Thats so cute! I love it! (very chick flick-esque)
