Thursday, May 20, 2010

New York, New York

So, now, I'm married and back from my honeymoon, and what do I do as soon as I get home to UT? I pack all of my stuff and move to New York for the summer! It has been such a crazy month! But, so far I've loved almost every part of it! :)

So, the reason why we're in New York is because of CW. CW is now a summer salesman for Pinnacle Security Systems. He works long days (from 12pm to about 10pm Monday through Friday and from 9am to 10pm on Saturdays. Don't worry...he has Sundays OFF!) and he works really really hard! We moved here at the end of April, beginning of May and we'll be here until the end of August. It's tough spending all day with out him, but hopefully it'll be worth it! If our plans work out like we're hoping it to, then CW won't have to work (or if he's does, it will be very very little) through out the school year. So, we can focus on school and spending time together! We're doing pretty well so far! CW is one of the top first year salesman! Yay!

It's been pretty fun so far though! I've been able to explore the city a little bit during the week, and then on Sundays we'll go out and see things together. It's been a crazy month, but things are finally starting to die down! :)

So, here I am, in New York City. I'm excited to see what kind of adventures I have while I'm here! :)

(in Central pretty!)

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