Friday, July 9, 2010

So, the salesman (including CW) had a "pool incentive". The manager got $200 worth of dollar coins and $100 worth of quarters (so, $300 total). The guys one by one went into the pool and dived in, scrambling to pick up as many coins as they could. After all of the boys took their turn, they had a free-for-all where they all jumped in the pool to get more coins. It was a lot of fun!

CW & I watching some of the other people in the pool.

My strong, sexy husband getting ready to jump into the pool.

CW scoping out the spot with the most money. :)

Me looking at pictures that I took on my phone. I look so young! haha It was early in the morning.

CW searching for coins in the water.

Steve, CW's manager, held him own so that he could have a little extra time. haha

Here's a picture of all of the boys in the pool trying to find the coins during the free-for-all.

It was so much fun!! CW made $13.50 total from the dive. SUCCESS!! :)

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